President of Atlantic Radiology Associates, Chairman Memorial Health
Medical School: Mercer School of Medicine, 2008
Residency: Memorial Health University Medical Center, 2013
Fellowship: Cross-Sectional Imaging, Mayo Clinic-Jacksonville, 2014
Dr. Helmly joined Atlantic Radiology Associates and the faculty at Memorial in 2014. He has served as program director from 2015-2021 and is currently the President of Atlantic Radiology. Dr. Helmly served as Chief Resident and Administrative Chief Resident. His areas of interest include resident education, complex body imaging, body/chest intervention and cardiac imaging. Dr. Helmly is an Assistant Professor at the Mercer University School of Medicine. He enjoys that his work allows him to review challenging cases and interact with clinical colleagues in every aspect of medicine. Dr. Helmly is married with four kids and in his free time enjoys travel sports, boating and fishing.