What is Pediatric Radiology?
Pediatric radiologists specialize in imaging babies, children and teenagers. In additional to becoming a general radiologist, pediatric radiologists obtain one or more years of training in diagnosis of pediatric diseases with imaging.
All of the modalities utilized in imaging adults, such as CT, MRI, ultrasound, plain film radiography, fluoroscopy and nuclear medicine, are are used to image children.

How we perform pediatric radiology?
Not only do pediatric radiologists have detailed knowledge of illnesses and medical conditions of infants, children and teenagers, but their equipment, procedures and staff are oriented to the special needs of children. Pediatric radiologists are attuned to the safety of their patients not only during the examinations, but protocol examinations in order to limit the doses of harmful x-rays produced by imaging modalities, such as computed tomography or plain film radiographs. Pediatric radiologists are at the forefront of the Image Gently campaign which was designed to teach pediatricians and other physicians the importance of limiting radiation doses produced by imaging to their pediatric patients (this information can be accessed at the following here.)
Types of pediatric imaging
- Contrast Enemas
- Abdomen Ultrasound
- Voiding Cystourethography
- Upper Gastrointestinal Studies
- Hip Ultrasound